Product residues
Hardened product residues
Hardened product residues, as residues in containers or as pieces, are harmless, as possible hazardous substances are bound in a solid matrix. The waste can partly be recycled unmixed ("pure debris"), or disposed of mixed as construction site waste or commercial waste.
Cement-based powder products
Powder products can be recycled or disposed of as commercial or construction site waste (smaller quantities up to 5 kg also as household waste). The regulations of the authoroties responsible for disposal must be observed. Another possibility is to mix cement powder waste with water and dispose of it as debris when it has hardened.
Uncured and/or overlaid products
Uncured or overlaid products can be reactive. In this case, the waste code number must be observed. You can find this in the safety data sheet (SDS) for the PCI product in question. An orderly waste disposal is only possible through approved waste disposal companies. This applies to all PCI products that are subject to labeling.Your municipality / city administration can provide you with information on waste disposal companies in your area. Direct contact is also possible via the yellow pages of your region.
When making inquiries, always state the waste code number (ASN) and the amount. The ASN can be found in the product-specific safety data sheets. When handing in the waste, you should provide the disposal company with an SDS.
Our waste management officer, Mr. Alexander Tenscher, will be pleased to provide you with more information, Email: